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[who we are]

highperformacegear is the official onlinshop of SEUL MILITARY CONSULTING

SEUL MILITARY CONSULTING is a leading provider for high-quality apparel, personal and technical equipment and gear for german and european units. all of us served and we keep tight relation to many units to understand and foresee their needs.

[what we do]

wo listen to our customers and offer only material which our customers ask for and which isn´t available via procurement. HPG won´t provide gimmicks - we are focused on solid and reasoned products. We don´t offer knockoffs, "improved" material or any kind of that - just real gear from their respective manufacturers. Any material used for this equpment will fulfill any regulations in their country of origin. If you are looking for used camp beds, far-east-imports or knock-off uniforms - this is the wrong place. SMC advises and supplies german and international units, we want HPG to offer any serviceman the best available equipment, no matter if he is policeman, logistics, tanker or infantryman.